Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The way of Thinking

The way of thinking isthat the way we think. It is in 2 different way that is
positive & negative. If any one doing a work & he get the result
not sufficient, then he taking it as positively or negative.

If he taking it in positively then he will take it as a target do it again.And if he take it in negative then he will take wrong decision,
can do harm
to himself or others. Example if a student failed in final year exam if he take it in
positive way then he try to do better ever done by him.
And if he take it in negative way then he will give up from the studies,
try to suicide,try to kill examiner or checker, all in one do bad things.
I had read an article in news paper that a girl born without hands & wanna be a
computer engineer she can type by her legs &, can do her works with her legs.

A girl without hands has this type of thinking then she has taken it in positive
way , if she has this ability so way cant we.
If our friend have a trouble then we have to "be positive". The positive attitude is very useful
for various times. If anybody get a dangerous disease then the positive thinking is very useful
that is " I can recover this disease very fast." In this case the medicine & our thinking works equally. It can change & improve your life. With the help of this we can control our stress .

Now something about negative thinking , negative thinking is that when we cannot complete our work by doing it various times at last we leave that work or destroy all the work how much we had completed. Negative thinking discourage us and we feel that cant do that work.
The terrorist are negative thinker therefore they harm peoples. My father says that, the work which is done in favor of many people is a good &, opposite to this is bad work .